treezy twang thang


it hit me today
have neglected my need
to get out in the middle of nowhere
and spend some quality time with a tree

the muse that lived there
sang with breezy rustles
in the grass and leaves
kinda treezy twang thang

is calling

the last dance

(this is a linocut print of stylized rendition of a National Geographic photo of bones at pompeii – it struck me)

the music was vesuvius
blowing its top in orchestral crescendo.
sulphuric gas, pumice and molten ash
kept the beat, filled the air.

molten debris, ash and poisonous vapors
engulfed and suffocated all movement.
Herculaneum, Stabiae and Pompeii
buried under tons of volcano music there.

they danced deep long after melody
was as quiet as all last dancers.
their final moves for all time
indelibly etched one when and where.

la posta del falcone

print sketch idea thunderowl LARGE jim christ

In my childhood I’d heard the term in fencing and knew it was the best position to either attack or meet ANY move by the opponent. In baseball, it also became a habit because it put the bat at the top of the swing with no bend or drop angle behind to add to the distance to target baseball. Add distance in your swing and you slow down your time to target. As most know the shorter your swing and thus the quicker; you can stand way back in the batters box and watch that little birdie coming in and how and which way it’s flying and hissing, and then unload that short swing on it, level as possible through the ball with everything you’ve got. Otherwise, if it’s in or out or up or down and you gots to do something with it- slam it to where it will go farthest and where nobody is. simple, hah.

In the film KINGDOM OF HEAVEN “la posta del falcone” is illustrated with broadsword and a short explanation is offered. it’s been around since the romans or before.

Baseball. I can’t believe Francis left baseball outa da godfadda. dang.

over and out,